Ms. Tamara Jacobs is Pacey and Dawson's English teacher. Pacey and Dawson first meet her at the video store, where PAcey instantly begins to fall for her. They introduce themselves and Pacey sheepishly asks her if she needs help finding a video. Tamara replies she's looking for a romance movie. She wants to rent The Graduate. Pacey is confused but Dawson steps in and gives her the movie. She then turns and leaves, but not before she says goodbye to Pacey. Later, Pacey finds out Tamara is his new English teacher. After class, he asks her how The Graduate was. She replies that she liked. Pacey then recommends The Summer of 42, where a beautiful young woman seduces a young boy on the verge of manhood. Pacey then suggests he holds it for her but she rejects it, saying she's going to the movies with her date. That night, Pacey goes to the movies with his friends and spots Tamara. He sits by her but she tries to get him to leave. Later, her date shows up. Pacey shoves him out of the way and spills popcorn on another man. The man gets up and punches Pacey in the face. He later spots Tamara on the docks. She asks if he's ok but he gets mad at her for leading him on. He calls her a woman on the verge of 40 who plays with a young boy's feelings to make herself feel attractive. Tamara later tells Pacey he's not a boy. She leans in and grabs his crotch and licks his face while whispering sexual comments in his ear. Pacey grabs her and kisses her some more. She pulls away, horrified at what she did and leaves. Later, at the school dance, Pacey asks her to dance tomorrow. She rejects him but Pacey asks if things were different, would she. Tamara feels awkward and leaves. He later meets her at the docks again. She apologizes to Pacey for kissing him but Pacey tells her she's not the only at fault. He tells her he doesn't regret kissing her but she justs wants them to go back to being student and teacher. Pacey tells her he isn't good with girls and when he met her, he thought he found someone but Tamara assures him it'll change and turns to leave. Pacey grabs her arm and pulls her in and rips off her shirt and the 2 start making out. The next day, Pacey meets Tamara after school to talk to him about his grades. He then offers that she tutor him. She tells him that she has a meeting but she'll tutor him at 6. Later, at the tutoring session, Pacey asks her if she was jock, brain, or cheerleader in high school. She replies that she was captain of the dance team and class treasurer. Pacey then asks if she had a boyfriend. She said that she dated a member of the football team. He then asks that if they went to high school together, would she have dated him. She said no and hands him a sheet with questions from the first 2 chapters of the book they're reading. If he reads them, she'll give him some positive reinforcement. Pacey asks if she's serious and she says yes. Later, Pacey finished reading the chapters and answered all the questions right. Pacey is ready for his prize but Tamara says that his reward is his education and offers him to owe him one. Pacey refuses and tries to get her to have sex with him. She refuses at first but then gives in and locks the door. She wants to do it on her desk and tells him to strip. Pacey thinks that she's calling him out on his bluff but Tamara is deadly serious and asks Pacey to go get some condoms as she unbuttons her shirt. Pacey at first doesn't want to do it in her classroom. Tamara asks if it's his first time having sex and he replies yes. Tamara then asks Pacey to leave and buttons her shirt. She tells Pacey that its wrong and he needs to find a girl his age but Pacey tells her that he believes in doing the wrong thing for the right reasons and leaves. The next day, he spots her at a cafe and goes over and sits with her. She hands him a list of books her tenth graders have to read and asks him for which one they should start with. Pacey tells her he wants to read a book with sex in it, not like unrealistic sex like in Romeo and Juliet, The Scarlet Letter, and a Greek tale he read. He says real sex is when 2 people sleep together and end up getting together. Tamara asks if he thinks it's posible. He then reaches across the table and grabs her hand but she pulls away. At school, the next day, Pacey finds out a teacher named Mr. Gold is walking her home. She denies anything between them and tells him to stop with his attraction towards her. She turns and leaves but Pacey grabs her and stops her. She asks what he wants from her but Pacey replies that he wants her. Later, when Dawson and Jen go to the Creek to do some filming for his movie, Dawson drops the camera and the 2 go into the ruins to be alone. Little do they know is that Pacey and Tamara are also in the woods. They make out and then they have sex where Tamara takes his virginity. The whole thing though is captured on Dawson's camera. Dawson and Joey discover the footage and are able to make out Tamara but not Pacey. The next night, Pacey stays overnight at her house and Pacey asks her about her age and asks how many men she's dated before him. She tells him she had a boyfriend in high school and college and then remarks that she wasn't talking about her high school, but Pacey's instead. Later, Pacey's brother Doug begans to develop feelings for Tamara but Pacey tries to get rid of him. Later, when Doug leaves to take care of something, Pacey decides to spend time with her but she refuses with Doug, standing outside. She kisses him and turns to leave but Pacey pulls her back and he tickles her to the ground where she pulls the dinner cloth off the table and on them. When Doug comes back in, he sees Pacey and Tamara laying on the floor together. They play it off as an accident. The next day, Pacey stays to help her clean up her house after the hurricane. He asks her if she could do anything over again, what would it be. She replies that she wouldn't have marired a fat stockbroker. She then asks Pacey the same question.He replies that he was older so he could tell people about their relationship. He then asks if she was trying to make him jealous for flirting with Doug. She denies it and Pacey tells her that the flirting was unneccessary because he's already jealous of every man she's been with. Tamara remarks that they're getting sloppy and need to end this. Pacey asks her that if she could one thing right now, what would it be. At that question, she pulls Pacey into her house and the 2 start making out. Later, everyone finds out about Pacey and Tamara's relationship when a boy smoking in the washroom overhears Pacey and Dawson talking about Pacey's relationship with Tamara.Tamara breaks up Pacey and goes to leave town. She returns, weeks later to sell her house. She runs into Dawson and Mitch on the street. Dawson asks if she;s returning to town but she says no, she's here to sell her property. Dawson tries to tell Pacey that Tamara's in town, but the bell rings and they are forced to go to class. Pacey later flirts with Andy McPhee, a girl he likes. He asks her out and she agrees. When they're walking through town, they run into Tamara. Tamara acts friendly toward Andy and Pacey awkwardly tells her that Tamara was her teacher. Tamara replies she's late for a meeting and leaves. Pacey calls a raincheck on his date with Andy and runs after Tamara. He meets her at a wheat field near her home. He asks her why it was so awkward when they bumped into each other but Tamara replies that it was supposed to be awkward. She said it was a Pinter moment. Pacey asks for a few more seconds of silence before he asks he who Pinter is. She replies that Pacey should stay in school. The next day, he goes to Tamara's house and sees her packing away her stuff. He tells her he looked up Pinter and asks for a brief moment with her without subtext. She says she doesn't know due to words getting them into trouble. He then tells Tamara that she probably thought he came over to her house earlier to tell her how much he missed her and confess his love for her but replies that he's fine and is over it, even though he feels he shouldn't be, he went to tell her that he's fine and over their breakup and grew up a little. She later says she noticed how mature he's gotten. Pacey and Tamara turn the opposite directions to leave but turn around and start kissing each other, revealing that both still have feelings for each other. Tamara tells him to leave because she has a buyer coming soon. Pacey then asks her if she misses teaching. She says yes and Pacey says he misses her teaching him and then leaves. Later, when he meets Andy at the diner, Andy spots Tamara and asks Pacey if he knows her. Pacey replies he does and watches her drive away.

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